Thursday 22 December 2016

Joyeuses Fêtes!

Hello again,

Despite missing most of our class this week, we did manage to finish our letters and get them into envelopes. They will be in the mailbox in the next 30 minutes! We also took up our grade 1 science experiment and saw what happens to paper when left in a sunny window for 5 days... we thought about other things that might be affected by the sun over even longer periods of time. We also made a Christmas decoration and wow, does the gold paint look great on some of them! Our last nice thing on our kindness calendar was to make a craft for a neighbour, so the little egg bell with a chocolate inside is our gift for one of your special neighbours.

Thank you so so much for all the thoughtful cards and generous gifts. Your messages are very meaningful. I hope the students like the book I picked for them and are able to read it over the holiday. Many students took extra books from the borrow-a-book drawers, so I'm crossing my fingers that you are able to keep up a little bit of reading in French over your break. It's crazy how quickly we forget!

I hope everyone recovers quickly from the illness we have all shared, and you are able to enjoy a fantastic, restful, safe holiday. See you back here January 9th!

Joyeux Noël, joyeux Hanoukkah et bonne année mes amis!

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