Tuesday 20 December 2016


You've probably heard about the nice thing we did today. We had so much fun making cookies to offer to our hard-working caretakers and office staff.
The students worked in groups and each baker was responsible for one part of the recipe. Ask your student what job he/she did. Each group also added a different topping to their cookie, so we ended up with 4 different variations. Ask your baker what kind of cookie they helped make!

At the end of the day, we delivered our presents and we each got to pick one cookie to taste. They were delicious! We self-evaluated our listening/reading of instructions, our teamwork and our turn taking after our baking extravaganza. Look for this rubric on Wednesday.

Another kind act we've done recently is to select one of our classroom toys and gift it to a kindergarten class. We gave away a doll that we think we can live without. To track our votes as we made the decision, we made a pictograph, since we are on to data management now. More on our graphing adventures soon!