Monday 28 March 2016

Joyeuses Pâques!

Dear families,
I hope you are having a lovely long weekend. Thursday we had some Easter fun at school. We decorated eggs using the same "resist" technique that we have used in our paintings, we tackled a math problem about how many eggs I had to prepare, and we went on a Easter egg hunt. Don't worry if you were away - your friends decorated some eggs for you!
Eggs for our absent friends!
Easter Egg Hunt

Last Wednesday in Science, Mlle Bradfield introduced the idea that the Sun is the most important source of energy for our planet. She demonstrated this by giving each student a picture (of an object, animal, plant or natural material) and then forming a chain of connections between them using string. She stood in the centre of the circle as the Sun. Everyone helped explain the connections they could make as they passed the string (e.g., I have a cotton plant, this t-shirt could be made from cotton), and by the end, we had a big web of connections, all of which connected back to the sun. Ask your student to explain the picture they received and the chain of connections they made.
After this activity, students worked on drawing an energy chain that had to include the sun. They presented them to the class.

Next week I will be sending home a couple writing rubrics. One is for our "How to decorate a gingerbread man" writing project. This is old now (from January), but has been a beautiful decoration on our walls. The second will be the dictée rubric for March.

Don't forget that this Friday is the Dance-a-thon! Envelopes are due that morning at the latest. Thanks!