Monday 22 February 2016

Reminders for this week!

Dear parents,
This is another busy week for us. Here are some reminders:

Tuesday: Gymnastics (shorts & t-shirt)
- bring in your recycling!
Wednesday: ArtsFest performance (navy & white with red accent) - please be on time for school!
- bring your $1 for popcorn if you want
- bring in your recycling!
Thursday: Gymnastics (shorts & t-shirt)

Mlle Bradfield's science lesson on Wednesday afternoon requires recycled materials. If you have egg cartons, boxes, paper towel rolls, newspaper - anything that you would otherwise be recycling - please send them to school tomorrow or Wednesday (please make sure items are clean).

We had our dress rehearsal this afternoon with our fabulous accompanist. Our performance will be great - I will try to post a video here! Please remind your singer about concert etiquette on Tuesday evening (no talking during the concert, eyes on Mlle while singing, don't forget to smile!).

Next week we are going to RELAX!

Words of the Week
That crazy E again! We’ve learned about the accent aigu (é), now we have all the others.
è = E-accent grave
ê = E-accent circonflexe
ë = E-tréma
Any of these accents help the e make exactly the same sound as the French ‘es’ sound. Think of “les” or, in English, “best”. “-et” makes the same sound when it’s at the end of a word.
When it comes to all these accents, it can be tricky to remember which one goes which way. I like to act them out. I see the accent aigu as a plane taking off, or a salute. The accent grave looks like a plane landing. The accent circonflexe is like a little hat! Encourage your child to show you which accent the word needs by acting it out with their body!

mère, père, tête, juillet, la chèvre, 
après, violet, forêt
Bonus words: chère, frère