Sunday 10 May 2015

Bonne Fête des Mères!

Happy Mother's Day to all of our lovely mamans! We hope you love the flower and the pot we decorated for you! We also wrote you a card, and you can be sure it was done with zero help from me (I was helping with the flowers).

This week we worked on measuring capacity by counting how many small cups of water it took to fill different containers. We also learned that food packages have markings on them that tell us the mass or capacity of the container and that this can help us when shopping to get the right amount of the ingredients we need.

In language, we have now moved on to the rough copy stage of our fairy tale writing. We are building our success criteria for how to write a detailed story - we know we need to put in more than what we included in our plan. On the first day that we started working on this all the writers were very focused and got quite a bit of writing done. I was very very impressed at how independent they were. Many were able to write their entire introduction, following the success criteria we outlined, without any encouragement or translation help and other others just needed a word here and there. So rewarding to see how far we've come!

For anyone who was not able to check out the art show Thursday evening, here is what our display looked like - just inside the front doors of the school. Looks great!

Maybe a future teacher??