Monday 27 April 2015

Important Concert Details

The following note is coming home today:

Dear parents,

Thursday evening is our big concert! I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time and know that the kids will be great! Here are the details.

  • Please arrive at school by 6:15 at the latest. Students should be dropped off in Area 24 and can leave their belongings there for the evening.
  • At this point, parents and guests are free to go find a seat in the gym. The students and I will rehearse in Area 24 with our pianist promptly at 6:15. At 6:30 we will go meet Mr. Greene.
  • After the concert, students can be picked up again in Area 24. Out of respect for all performers, please do not leave the concert early. I will be with the students until you are able to claim them.

For the choir performance, students are expected to wear black on the bottom and white on the top. For our class performance, I am hoping each student can add a red, dark blue or beige accessory to their outfit. This must be something that students can bring and leave in our classroom while they perform with choir, then put on quickly and independently before our class performs. Good ideas include a scarf, vest, cardigan, pin or a hat that does not block the face. Ties, bowties and hair accessories are also great and can be worn the entire evening. Please make sure your singer knows how to add this accessory to their outfit quickly.

Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy the show!


Words of the Week
A review of all the ‘en’s this week. You’ll notice many of them are I (Je) statements. See if your writer can invent some sentences using these as starters. For example, Je mange une pomme chaque jour.
comment, je pense, ensemble, je mange, 
je chante, je range, je danse, je plante, 
ans, ventre Bonus words: grand-père, grand-mère