Thursday 9 April 2015

Concert Dress

Dear parents,

Thanks for all the styrofoam trays. We have enough and started using them today. I don't have a lot of storage space, so I'm taking this item off the wish list, but if you have any of the extra large family size trays, I'll still take those anytime. In about a month we'll be doing a building project involving lots of boxes. You've been so great sending in all your tiny boxes throughout the year. We will definitely use them. We would also use cylindrical shapes (paper towel roles, tea bag canisters) and any other less common box shapes. When we're ready for the project, I'll also ask each student to bring in one large box (like a cereal box) to use as their base. I won't collect these in advance, but if you don't go through boxes super fast, you might want to hang on to one. Thanks!

The weeks seem to be going by so quickly now. I thought our concert was still so far away, but it's actually coming up very soon! I will send home a letter with all the details the week of the concert, but I'll tell you about the clothes now so that you don't have to scramble.

For the choir performance, students are expected to wear black on the bottom and white on the top. For our class performance, I am hoping each student can add a red, dark blue or beige accessory to their outfit (think Paris). This must be something that students can bring and leave in our classroom while they perform with choir, then put on quickly and independently before our class performs. We're not doing a costume change here, just adding one thing. Good ideas include a scarf, vest, cardigan, pin or a hat that does not block the face. Ties, bow ties and hair accessories are also great and can be worn the entire evening. Please make sure your singer knows how to add this accessory to their outfit quickly. I don't expect anyone to go shopping for something new. If you don't already own an accessory that could work, we have a few scarves in class that can be borrowed.
