Tuesday 10 June 2014

Festival Details

The Dewson Festival is this week! Here is what you need to know:
- You need to purchase tickets to buy food, ride rides and play games.
- Each child will receive 4 free tickets.
- Tickets will also be sold in classrooms Thursday morning. If you wish to send money for extra tickets, please talk to your child about where to keep the money and what to do with the change. It would be helpful if your child wore a piece of clothing with a pocket for ease of carrying their tickets around outside.
- We will go outside at 2:30 to enjoy some festival fun before regular pick-up. The children are not required to stay with me (that would be très difficile to manage), however, there will be teachers stationed at each exit, and many throughout the festival, so we know nobody will escape - it's like a really fun, really long recess!
- If your students normally goes to daycare or takes the bus home but will NOT be doing so Thursday, please send a note or email to me or to the office.
- PICK-UP - As per usual, I need to make sure that each child finds their caregiver at the end of the regular school day. We will be leaving our backpacks at a designated area in the gym. That is where I will instruct students to meet me when the 3:30 bell rings. Please come meet us in the GYM, NOT at the north doors. It would be helpful if you could reinforce the importance of listening for the bell and immediately finding our class in the gym with your child, so that we don't have to send out search parties.
- If you arrive at school early to join your child, and will not be coming to the gym at 3:30, please find me outside and let me know you have taken over care of your child so that I know everyone is accounted for. You will save me many worries!
- After you have claimed your child, please feel free to stay and enjoy the Festival!

Thanks for your help making things run smoothly. See you Thursday!