Saturday 18 January 2014

Math Show & Tell

Happy weekend everyone,

Several work samples came home at the end of this week, all relating to math.
Thursday you received 2 art projects that were linked to our geometry unit. The first, a picture made entirely from shapes. The second, a symmetrical painting made by painting on one side of the paper and then folding it. Ask your child what "symétrique" means and what shapes they used in their drawing. Hopefully they haven't forgotten everything we did in December!

Yesterday I sent home your mathematician's first graph. We're well into our data management unit now - last week we practised collecting data by asking our classmates questions and noting their answers (we earned a lot of jetons by asking our questions in French).

This week we've learned how to read a bar graph and we practised making them, using a ruler to draw straight lines. I thought you would be interested in seeing this first attempt. Ask your child to explain it to you (Where is the échelle? What does the diagramme tell us? What season has the most birthdays?).
Here is a bonus question not answered in class:
Our class has 24 people including Mlle. How many people are represented in the diagramme? How do you know? Is there anyone missing?

Next week we will continue reading and drawing graphs, but we will focus on pictograms. This is all in preparation for our big project that will involve creating our own survey, collecting our own data, and representing our findings in a graph.

Hope you enjoy looking at this good stuff!