Monday 13 January 2014

Help, we're all wet!

Dear wardrobe coordinators,

It is VERY wet in the Dewson yard. As the weather warms up, I anticipate that we will have lots of wet and slushy days ahead. The children often complain that their outdoor clothes are soaking, and I can appreciate that it is very uncomfortable for them to put wet boots and socks back on, but there isn't much I can do for them. I've asked them to talk to you about possible solutions... here are some of my ideas:
1. Send some extra socks (2 or even 3 pairs) in their backpack.
2. Send a complete change of clothes that they can keep on their hook at school.
3. Wear plastic bags over socks inside boots (teach them how to put these on).
4. Send extra gloves.
5. Talk about whether their boots are waterproof, and if not, places to avoid.

Thanks for your help!