Tuesday 5 November 2013

Interview Form

Our new words of the week are:

bonjour, amis, aujourd'hui, petit, a

We didn't make flashcards at school, but I told the kids that I hope you will still make them at home, as I think it is a great way to practice. This week, we have words that we see frequently in the morning message, so it shouldn't be a huge stretch to memorize them.

Our newest sound is:
'ou' makes the English 'oo' sound, as in "Boo!" Don't confuse this with the French 'u' vowel, which makes a very tight, nasal sound. This 'ou' is more relaxed and much rounder.
We met lots of words that contain 'ou' today, such as: pou, poule, loup, ours, hibou, trou, iglou
Ask your reader about the poem that had all these words in it!

In addition to the field trip forms and any Scholastic orders (both of which are due Thursday), you should now also have your interview request form to fill in and return. Interviews will take place next week, in the days after you receive the Progress Report (Tuesday).
By now, probably your child has passed this message on to you (I explained this to them in detail in the hopes that you would get this message earlier), but please fill out the back side of the interview request form, not the front. This way you can select specific times that work well for you. I can't make any guarantees, but I'll certainly do my best to accommodate everyone. The sooner you can return the form, the better your chances of getting your first or second choice! On the same form you can let me know what area(s) your child's sibling(s) are in so that I can coordinate your interviews with that teacher. If you can't make it next week, just write me a note and suggest another time. I'd really like to meet with everyone so that we can share the good things we're seeing, and decide what we want to work on moving forward.

While you're at school for your interview, check out the Book Fair in the library! The book fair will run all next week, including Friday morning during interviews. If you feel they are able, children can bring some money to school to purchase something (although I think the books are all English this time). However, probably better to come with them if you can - then you know the book is at the right reading level.

Thanks for all the mail this week! I enjoy school mail!