Tuesday 19 November 2013

Beautiful Artwork!

I know I've already shown you this sound, but this week we are looking at the 2 other ways to make the sound "ay". This is by using -ez or -er on the end of a word. This is quite common, particularly -er, as it is the infinitive ending of many verbs (e.g., manger, marcher, parler, sauter, jouer). We also found -ez on the end of the word nez.

In math, we're working on our last types of patterns before our check-up: growing and shrinking patterns. These are difficult patterns to define, because the pattern is in what is added or taken away in the creation of the next term. For example, in the pattern 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, the rule is to start at 2 and add 2 each time. We have been practising identifying and writing the rule for this type of pattern, as well as following a rule to create a growing pattern. This is a much more complicated type of pattern than we worked on in the last 3 weeks, and would indicate that students have really mastered the skills in this unit. We will do a quick check-up on all our patterning skills next week.

Not one to put off my favourite holiday, we have begun decorating our class with some holiday art.
Our resident artist, who has created several beautiful murals on our whiteboard, explained to me the challenge of creating white, when the background is also white. Many Area 24 artists took what I learned and applied it to their paintings, filling their entire page, leaving white space where necessary (e.g., to make the snow visible). Our Principal commented on how beautiful the paintings are!