Thursday, 27 September 2018

Comment ça va?

Dear families,
I hope you are enjoying your third activity bag. They should be returned next Monday, October 1st, as usual. You will not receive your fourth activity, however, as the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is coming up and I know most of us will be busy with our families.

This week I sent home our October calendar. On the back, you will find another calendar provided by the Speech-Language department. It has some ideas of how you can work on certain skills with your child (in your home language). No pressure from me at all, just providing that info for anyone who's interested. If ever I forget to put that calendar on the back of ours (I can see this happening), and you really like the activities, just ask me for it.

You've also received a Dewson T-shirt order form. These are great to wear on field trip days, and are available in pink - perfect for Day of Pink next April! If you would like to purchase t-shirts, you can return the forms and payment to me or the office.

Each week, during our free activity centre time, I prepare one activity that I would like to do with all students at some point during the week. This allows me to work with and coach students on a specific skill or concept in small groups or individually. In the second week, I learned about everyone's favourite thing by helping them write about a drawing they did. In the third week, we worked on some beginning printing skills and I met with everyone to see where they are in their letter recognition. This week, we have been working on our one-to-one correspondence and French numbers (to 10) by placing counters into sorting trays, according to the marked number.

Rather than words, this week let's review a few short phrases. We learned these in the first week of school, however students may still need some prompts to answer this question.
Comment ça va?
Ça va bien.😊
Ça ne va pas bien.😔