I believe in getting parents involved in children's education whenever possible, and I know that it can be hard for parents to find ways to stay connected, especially when you aren't able to volunteer, or when your child provides one-word answers to questions about their day (my dad says I did that!).
As an educator, I am always striving to improve my practice, and each year I like to try something new. As you read in my first day letter, for this year, I have created weekly activity bags. We are going to jump right in with our first bag today! I am sending home a letter in pochettes that explains everything you need to know, and I will review it in person on curriculum night. The letter is copied below. As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions about this initiative.
I really hope you enjoy your first activity, and that you enjoy playing and talking about school with your child!
Yours, Tamara
Dear Salle 101 families,
Each year, I like to try something new. This year, I would like to try out weekly activity bags. This will be in lieu of a borrow-a-book routine, and I hope will be really enjoyable for your whole family.
Each Monday (with a few exceptions around holidays), your student will bring home a bright green TDSB bag containing an activity. The activities are all fun - not work (for example, play a game, build something, follow a recipe, read a book etc.) and are meant to be done by the child with a caregiver, or even as an entire family.
The activity bag, with all instructions and pieces, should be returned the following Monday (or Tuesday in the case of a PA day) and a new bag will come home. This gives you an entire week and weekend to complete each activity. It is my hope that within that time, you will be able to carve out a few moments to try the activity at least once. If you enjoy it, repeat it as many times as you wish!
Each activity bag includes the necessary items (with a few exceptions when it comes to the recipes) and instructions. I have also included a note about each activity and what learning can come from it. In many cases, I’ve also provided vocabulary sheets, number charts or additional handouts to help you extend the learning. Please feel free to keep it short and sweet, or extend upon it as you see fit. You do not need my permission! The most important thing is that this remains a fun experience, not a chore, for everyone.
I hope you enjoy connecting with your child and their learning through these activities. If, at any point, you have questions about the routine or an activity, please email me.
Happy playing!