Thursday, 23 November 2017

Vision/Hearing Clinic Upcoming

Hi parents,

Before I get to our update, I want to put in a little plug for the upcoming Vision & Hearing Clinic being offered at Dewson. I think you have already received information about this from the magical office email list. What is offered is a very short, simple screening to check for any vision and/or hearing issues. If anything comes up, you will be notified and it will be up to you to book a follow-up appointment with a doctor.
If you notice that your child doesn't respond when called, seems to not hear things, has trouble following simple instructions, complains of headaches or doesn't show much interest in literacy (no interest in books, signs, letters) than this simple screening is a great first step. Could be that there's a simple solution to a mystery problem!
Applications and payment are due by Tuesday, Nov. 28th and the clinic will be held during the school day on Dec. 15th.

This has been a good alphabet week for our class. We have solidified our knowledge of e and g and we have met their buddies i and j. To review, i makes the English ee sound ("see"). This is confusing at first, but we are pretty smart, so we get it! I also mentioned last week that g and j have switched names in French, so you see j, but you say "jee". This stays confusing for a loooong time, but we'll never stop practicing! At least their sounds are the same as in English.

I challenged the class to build some of our new letters during centre time - here are some of the things they came up with...

We have also started building our word wall. This will help us grow our French vocabulary as we slowly learn and post words so that we can look there for fun and for support. This week, I hid some words around our classroom and the kids went on a treasure hunt. When they found a word and learned its meaning, they drew a little picture next to the word and presented it to the whole class. The pictures I am using as the title for each letter of the alphabet on the word wall are the characters from Le Village des Sons. Maybe you can look at the picture below, review the stories of a and b and ask your presenter what word they were responsible for drawing and presenting!

Mots de la Semaine
Our outdoor clothing which we so carefully hang up in our cubbies...
un manteau
les mitaines
un chapeau
les bottes
une écharpe

I'm going to ask you for one more packing favour. If you could please remind your child to keep their personal colouring books and workbooks at home (just like home toys), that would be helpful. They are very exciting and when they are pulled out, everyone wants to share it which is not only hard to facilitate, but also prevents us from trying other activities. Thanks!