We had a fun Halloween day in salle 202. The costumes were amazing! Tough to get everyone in a picture, but we tried...
I was dressed up as the paper bag princess, and I enjoyed reading to the children the story of my life, at the end of the day.
For some extra Halloween fun, we sang the popular song "C'est l'Halloween", painted masks, and some of us tried out a new centre called "gymnase des doigts" (finger gym) which is fun for developing fine-motor skills. This time, the task was to use tweezers to place Halloweeny jewels on letter outlines. Some students made great patterns and designs with the three colours.
Before leaving, all students got a little treat from Max (merci!) and myself, and we got to bring home our school picture proofs. Everyone will receive a copy of the class photo when they come in. If you would like to order individual shots, that can be done online or by sending the form back to me by Nov. 13.
November Scholastic orders are due on the 9th. Sorry I didn't get these two dates on the calendar. If you would like to order Scholastic books this month or next as holiday gifts and keep them a surprise from your child, just send the order in an envelope and leave me a little note. I'll be happy to contact you when the order comes in.
Thank you to all that donated food to the "WE scare hunger" food drive. A little info about this came home last week and we talked about it briefly on Monday. Donations are accepted until tomorrow in the front hall.
If you're wondering about report cards and interviews, you're not alone. It will be a slightly different experience this year for all kindergarten families (teachers too!), as the reporting template has changed. All kindergarten students will receive a short report entitled "Key Learning". Our team has decided to write these reports with a focus on learning and social skills, as these are foundational skills that will allows us to do our best work in other academic areas down the road. We feel it is a huge part of our job as kindergarten teachers to support students in developing good learning skills early on, and it's what we have dedicated most of our time to up to this point in the school year.
While report cards are important, I personally feel that face-to-face communication is of more value when it comes to sharing personal anecdotes and making a plan for what to work on. At this point in the year, we would like to meet with all families and we invite students to come with their parents when possible, so that we can all have a voice in what's going well and what we will focus on improving. A letter will come home in the next week that will invite you to sign up for a convenient time slot on one of the interview days and I'll confirm times once I get most of the forms back.
Mots de la Semaine
Time for a couple frequently used sentences. We introduced these a while ago, but just this week a few students have begun remembering all the words and using the sentences without prompting. These will be needed for years to come, so it's worth memorizing them!
Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes? Can I go to the washroom?
Est-ce que je peux boire? Can I get a drink?