Hi parents,
As you know, first reports come home tomorrow. I've already mentioned that we decided to focus on learning and social skills in this report, as preparing our minds and bodies for learning is an essential first step in having a happy, healthy and productive experience at school. Please read and discuss the report with your child, celebrating all of his/her positive accomplishments. It is always a nice idea to choose one (one is enough) thing to work on going forward. There are suggestions in every report card, and we can also talk about a goal during our interview. We will be doing a goal setting activity with our students this week, so it will be helpful if they already have an idea of what they might want to work on.
On report card day, I always talk to my students about some basic report card etiquette. Report cards are personal and should never be shared with friends. Even though there are no marks on this particular report, it is good to get into the habit of keeping report cards private. Each student has been successful in many areas and has room to grow in others. It never feels good to compare.
Don't forget to check your envelope for your interview confirmation slip and email me if you are no longer able to come at the assigned time. At the moment, we hope to be able to use our own classroom for all interviews. If this changes, I will leave a note on the door. See you soon!
Today, students brought home a yellow note about our second walking excursion. We will be going to the College/Shaw Library on Wednesday Nov. 29th in the afternoon. Please add this to your calendars! You can read all of the exciting details in the note. Please email me or send in the bottom slip if you are able to join us for that afternoon. Thanks!