Thanks again to all of our wonderful volunteers this year - I hope you received our cards and thank-you plants! Thanks in particular to everyone who helped with the Festival and to all the picker-uppers - that was by far the smoothest it's ever gone for me!
Though our time is quickly running out, we still have lots going on at school. In fact, we will have to put a pause on finishing our current projects in language, math and science in order to spend extra time this week preparing to welcome you to our open-house this Friday morning.
I haven't received RSVPs from a handful of kids. I do hope that every student will have someone in attendance (even if it's your caregiver). The first half of the time will be spent touring the classroom, so it would be lovely for everyone to have a guest.
In addition to our open-house, don't forget about the extra special top secret presentation that we have this Thursday at 12:45. You are welcome to join us for this.
While we may not get to our stories or math this week, we will continue with our words of the week and borrow-a-book routine for two more weeks. Please do your best to keep these things going, even into summer!
On the other hand, our Library has begun the process of collecting all books and packing up for the summer. Many students recently received a very small, white, slip of paper listing their overdue books. Please have a look for this paper and search all your bookcases at home to see if you have any school books to return. Many thanks!
Words of the Week
The last two word lists will be the same for both grades, but should be a review for grade 2s.
This week we are formally being introduced to the present of the verb avoir (to have). We use this verb every day and know what it should sound like. For example, students know that “Nous a du travail à faire” sounds weird, and that it should be “Nous avons...”. This week, work on spelling the verb correctly and making up sentences that start with each person. You can substitute proper names for il and elle. E.g., Elle a les cheveux bruns. Tamara a les cheveux bruns.
This week we are formally being introduced to the present of the verb avoir (to have). We use this verb every day and know what it should sound like. For example, students know that “Nous a du travail à faire” sounds weird, and that it should be “Nous avons...”. This week, work on spelling the verb correctly and making up sentences that start with each person. You can substitute proper names for il and elle. E.g., Elle a les cheveux bruns. Tamara a les cheveux bruns.
tu as
il a, elle a, on a
nous avons
vous avez
ils ont, elles ont