Thursday, 15 June 2017


Hi parents and friends,
Just a reminder that our open-house is taking place Friday morning, from 10:45 until around 11:30. If you arrive early, please wait until 10:45 to come upstairs, as the halls will be very busy with recess entry until that time.
If you have not RSVP'd and know that your student will not have a guest in attendance, please let me know and I'll see that they are occupied for the first half of our time.

Image result for open house

Today we had 2 special presentations. The animal handler - totally worth it! The lemur walked across our laps!! Our presenter was super knowledgeable and told us so much about all the animals we met. Definitely ask your child about this presentation and what all the animals felt like!

We also had a wonderful storytelling performance. We heard 2 stories and 2 songs, all interactive and very funny. Ask your student to tell you their favourite story. Mme Morgenstern has challenged all students to create a dance for one of the stories for their next class with her.