Many of you - in fact I think members from every family - have at some point contributed to our school life in tremendously important ways from coming on outings to reading with children on a weekly basis. In fact, there have been so many volunteers this year that I haven't been keeping up with sending home thank you notes, but know that we are very grateful.
Dewson will be hosting a Volunteer Tea next Wednesday morning (June 7th) from 7:45 - 8:45 am in the gym. Everyone who has volunteered in our class is invited to attend.
I promise that by then we will have written cards to properly thank you for your time and energy.
We're not done with you yet!!!
As the end of the year approaches, there are a few behind the scenes jobs that are mindless, but time consuming that I would very much appreciate help with. If you feel able to help with any of the following, please get in touch. Thanks SO much!
- repairing books that are in our book hospital (it's overflowing!!)
- cleaning and refilling glue bottles