Thursday 17 January 2019

Weekend Update

Hello Salle 101 families,
Everyone is back to school and we're all caught up! Students brought home their first green activity bag for 2019 last Monday, please remind them to bring it back after the long weekend. Merci!

Our newest poem - a long one - is the French translation of The old woman who swallowed a fly. It begins "Il était une vieille dame qui a avalé une mouche." Ask your student if they can continue the poem, or if they can tell you the order of the animals that she swallows. We made pastel and watercolour pictures of this poem. Here we are at work, and our finished product on the bulletin board.

This week, we completed our illustrations of the Loupscaroux story. This afternoon, students helped me retell the story while unrolling the illustrations one by one. Ask your artist which part of the story they drew!

This week, we set up some math centres to review patterns, shapes and counting. At my centre, we began adding by representing two numbers with counters, and then throwing in a + sign and counting everything up. Each student made their own flashcard of their addition question, and hid the answer on the back. We had fun testing them out this afternoon.

At centre time, students have continued to make flowers and extraordinary cakes out of play dough, and have used them in various parties and celebrations.

Several students are becoming quite interested in Chess. I am not the right teacher for this game, so if your students are interested, I do recommend the after school program that you received a flyer from!

We are still enjoying being outside each day, despite the cold. Thanks for sending all the accessories. I do make sure that the kids wear everything you send when we will be outside for extended periods.
I'm crossing my fingers that we get a pile of snow this weekend so that we can get out the toboggans and have lots of fun with snow. Some of us were already trying to look close up at some larger snowflakes, and we noticed they do have 6 points!

We were extremely sad to say good bye to Mlle Sofia this morning. It was her last morning with us after 4 months of having her daily support. To celebrate, she brought in juice and we decorated cookies during morning snack. We know Sofia will come back and visit when she has time.

Enjoy your long weekend!