Wednesday 8 March 2017

March Break

Hi salle 211 families,

This afternoon was our performance at Arts Fest. Our students looked great and did a fantastic job! We sang our song with confidence and enthusiasm. It was definitely better than any rehearsal we have had! We look forward to performing "On écrit sur les murs" for you at Dewson in the near future! Bravo tout le monde!

I can't believe that March break is next week! Ahhh! We still have so much to do!
While there is no homework over the break, I must repeat, as always, how important it is to maintain your reading routine. It's like brushing your teeth! On Friday, I will encourage students to take extra borrow-a-books so that they have enough reading material for the week. Please talk to your child about how many books you'd like them to bring home.
On that subject, if you have books at home that you have completed, please send them back as soon as possible. We do have many students trying to share and lately we haven't been able to find the books we need. In particular, our red drawer is almost depleted. If that's your current level, please make sure you're not keeping too many books at home at the same time.

If you would like your child to bring their indoor shoes home for your vacation, please make sure they come to school Friday on a mission to do this, or email me so I can remind them. In addition, if you know you are missing items, please tell your child what they need to find. I will be reminding students to check the lost and found this week.

Things to look forward to after March break:
- an update on our current number sense unit and all the problem solving strategies we've been inventing (you can already ask your mathematician about this!!)
- piano lessons
- learning to use ipads during reading centre time
- a walking excursion as part of our next grade 1 social studies unit
- we will turn ourselves into poets!
- an evening to celebrate the arts in grades 1 & 2
- we will become actors in some class plays!
- Mr. G takes over more and more of the teaching... bonne chance!
- our trip to the Science Centre
- Sadie's thinking about coming for a little visit one day...