Friday 14 October 2016

Math Centres

Hi parents,
This is so cool! Every year, Le Centre du livre jeunesse canadien gets together with TD Canada Trust to provide a book to all grade 1 students! Grade 2 students will remember receiving Le Chapeau de M. Zinger last year.
This year's book is Petit Paul. I read it to the class today - it's very cute. Each grade 1 student has received their very own copy to keep. Hope you love it!

Over the last 5 weeks, we have done a lot of work on counting and adding. We've played counting and skip-counting games, shared helpful counting strategies and learned to write simple addition and subtraction sentences. In our classroom we have over 10 fun math games that help us practice these skills. This week, we learned how to play 5 of them!
Jeu de maths #6 is Bingo! Instead of having a caller, students take turn rolling a die.

Jeu de maths #9 is an adding game. On their turn, each student rolls two dice and adds the number. They fill in a square for that number on their game card. When time is up, whoever has filled in the most squares of a single number wins.

Jeu de maths #8 consists of a set of blocks with numbers and math symbols. Students take turn arranging them into addition or subtraction sentences.

Jeu de math #3 is an adding challenge. Partners roll two dice and have to add the numbers, writing the addition sentence and answer in their math journal. There are 10-frames and counters to help since we have special dice that go all the way up to 12!

Jeu de maths #5 is very similar except we use normal dice that go up to 6 (they're fun and fuzzy), and instead of writing the addition sentence in numbers, we have to write the number names in letters. We have a handy poster to help with this.

Bonus game: Partners take turns quizzing each other using counting or adding/subtracting flashcards.

Together with their math partner, students had a chance to try out 3 of the math game centres. As we continue through other math units, we will use these games regularly to continue to practice our counting, adding and subtracting skills, which are a huge part of every math strand. We will return to Number Sense again in February for some more advanced work.
Ask your mathematician what their favourite math game is so far!

Grade 1s have all now presented one part of their big project to the class. Bravo mes amis! Today we did a self-reflection about what we learned through this inquiry. Ask your student what he or she said was his favourite part of the project!
One question I asked everyone was what they felt they learned through working on this project. I wasn't expecting anything too deep - it's our first attempt at a reflection after all - maybe that they learned that their friend has a dog, or something. I was so wrong! I was absolutely blown away and thrilled at the reflections of all students! Here are just a few of the learnings they shared... (they did try to tell me in French)
- I learned how to say/write something in French.
- I learned about the lives of my friends.
- I learned that it's important to be nice.
- I learned to be creative.
- I learned about things that happened when I was little (e.g., a vacation, or birthday).
- I feel like this project was really important and I'm happy for my friends too.
Here are some of the beautiful projects up on our bulletin board. We'll bring them home soon!