Monday 2 May 2016

ROM Trip!

Dear parents,
Image result for royal ontario museum
Today I sent home the permission form for the upcoming field trip that I hinted at previously. On Wednesday May 18th we will be spending the morning at the Royal Ontario Museum. In groups we will explore the Biodiversity area and complete a scavenger hunt to do with our next Science unit on Living Things.

All of the information you should need is on the first, pinkish, sheet that you received. Please return the second, yellow, permission form by next Friday at the latest.

If you would like to volunteer on this trip, please indicate this on the yellow form. Please note that you will be the teacher for your group during the scavenger hunt activity, so it will be a bit more demanding than other trips - but still super fun!

Scholastic packages for May will come home tomorrow and are due back next Thursday. This is the second last Scholastic order for this school year and is a great opportunity to stock up on books for the summer months!

Please scroll down for today's pictures!