Tuesday 9 December 2014

Words of the Week

If the ‘on sound is ever forgotten, show your student a picture of a candy and it’ll come right back! Then you can say “C’est bon!” (Good stuff!)
This is another sound that doesn’t exist in English. The easiest thing is probably to ask your child to teach it to you. Ask them how to say “no” or “candy” in French. To describe it in English, say the word “on” with your lips closed almost all the way, and don’t close to the ‘n’. You’ll feel it in the back of your throat. This sound can also be written as ‘om’.
bonbon, mon, ton, non, nom
Bonus words: bon, son

This afternoon we worked at math centres again, but now we are moving on to geometry. Our centres all had to do with sorting or drawing with shapes. Yesterday and today, the mathematicians have been encouraged to organize shapes into like categories. Yesterday, for instance, one group organized their shapes according to the number of corners. Today, at Mlle's centre, we used a Venn diagram to figure out 2 sorting rules. Ask your mathematician what the rules were for the red circle and the blue circle and what shapes go in the middle where the circles overlap. We will work on 2-D shapes for just a short time, the next 2 weeks, and we will return to geometry for 3-D shapes later in the year.

Perhaps I should also explain why we're not in the Primary Concert this Thursday evening. (If I've explained already, I apologize for the repetition... I can't remember). Because of the number of primary students, each class is invited to participate in primary choir for one term. This allows Mr. Greene to fit everyone in the music room for rehearsals, and it allows families to fit in the gym for concerts... kind of! The classes that have been participating in choir this term have their concert this Thursday evening at 7pm. Our class will be participating in choir next term and we will be involved in a concert sometime in the spring. Of course, I hope that all my students will want to participate (because in that case I get to go sing too!), but it is not mandatory. At that time, our class will prepare a special presentation and we will all be part of the concert regardless of whether we choose to sing in choir. For now, we are still invited to support our friends and siblings who are in the December concert. The concert is this Thursday evening in the gym.

Have a great week!