Monday 3 March 2014

Scientist visit soon!

Ever dream of being a science teacher? Good news, now you can be!!

Area 24 will be having a visit from the Scientist-in-School program in the afternoon of March 26th. A note came home today explaining what this is and the cost ($7/student). It's an amazing program and totally worth it.

I know this is still a few weeks away, but with March break in there, I don't want to risk not giving you enough notice if you would like to volunteer. I think we will need 4 or 5 parents to come help out and probably run a centre. The workshop will be focusing on energy, but you don't need to know anything specific in order to be a helper - our visiting scientist will explain everything you need to know.

If you are interested/available, you can let me know on the return slip of the note or you can email me. Thanks!