Welcome to online Words of the Week!
As I mentioned in my letter, each week we will be focusing on a French vowel, and will have 5 words of the week that use it. On this blog, I will attempt to give you a thorough explanation of what we have learned in class, and how to pronounce the sound correctly so that you can be your child’s at-home teacher.
If you find it a struggle to get through a list of words, especially as the words get longer, feel free to focus on only some of the words. Similarly, if you feel your child could use a challenge, add the weekly bonus words to your list. You’re the teacher when you practice at home, and you don’t need my permission to adjust the workload to suit your child.
This week we are reviewing the sound ‘a’. In French, this letter is not as bright as in English. Think “dad”. For each new sound that we learn, I love the idea of using 3-D letters (maybe you have magnets?) or flashcards to experiment with the vowel combined with different consonants. We won’t be looking at each consonant in depth the way we are vowels, so this is a great way to make sure your child has a good grasp of the whole alphabet. Don’t worry if your combos aren’t real words, we’re just working on combining sounds in this game!
Today we brought home our first list of words. We already used magnet letters at school to practice the words, and talked about different ways we could practice at home (playdough, write with a stick in the dirt, make a memory game... some of us had amazing ideas!). Students know that they can keep their words at home all week to practice, and bring their book back next Monday in anticipation of the next set. Thanks for your help!
a, la, ma, ta, va
Bonus words: sa, Tamara