Dear parents,
I hope you are well and that your students are enjoying being back at school. Things are going well here! I've been impressed with how quickly we've learned our new routines and how excited and focused our class is on doing their work.
We have started reviewing our French numbers, and are working on representing some small numbers in a booklet of our own (our first little story - we are excited!).
We have also gotten into science with a lesson about day and night. We pulled out the globe and got a student to be the sun so that we could see how day time for us means night time for others. We also made spinners using plates to show day and night activities. Students were so excited about this activity that they wanted to bring it home right away! I've managed to put a few up to display! (It is neat how it shows the sun setting on the activity, but it's still there since it's daytime for others.) You may like to continue talking about the sun and moon and where they are when we can't see them!
Thanks for all your help with drop-off and pick-up. I'll get to know you better soon, but for now, thanks for coming right up to our class and ensuring your student says bye before leaving. It's so helpful!
Also, thank you for your understanding when I need to be away. I seem to have many appointments popping up right now for myself and baby, but trying to keep them to half days as much as possible!
Today I've sent home a little form asking whether I can post student pictures on this blog. Parents have often enjoyed seeing their kids in action at school, and especially now that I can't welcome you in. No worries if you prefer not to give permission, I understand. Please return this either way so that I know - I already have a few pictures from the first week!
Many thanks, Tamara