I want to take a few minutes to give you a subject update!
Firstly, in math, we have all but completed our first unit on place value. In this unit, we have looked at whole numbers (and how to make them easier to read by rounding them using a decimal), decimals, fractions (including comparing them by finding common denominators), percentages and the equivalencies between them.
The math homework this week will consist of review questions from all sections of the unit. We will have a pre-test on Wednesday, which I
Next week, we will begin my personal favourite math unit: data management.
In French, we are continuing to work on our personal narrative stories. We are at the stage where we have done some flash writing to get our important memories down, and now I am prompting students to add to their writing by thinking about the most important part of the story, adding detail to it, reading over it from an actor's point of view, reading it over adding transition words, and asking themselves who/what/when/where/why questions. I expect that all students will write at least 2 pages as a minimum, but many already have more than this. Please ask your writer about their story topic - you would probably be the best person to help them recall more details about this event in their life.
In Social Studies, Ms. Peek is preparing all students for the student vote, which takes place next week! Both grades have had some research and an assignment to complete (posted on Google Classroom). They are encouraged to watch or listen to the leaders' debate tonight (Monday) at 7pm!! Our class can also listen in on Thursday in French.
In Science, we are working away at our first independent project. All students met the first deadline, of looking up some terms, during class time. Each student has selected one question to focus on for their research/writing component. Due to some other in-class work and similar deadlines in Social Studies, I have extended our research deadline until next Wednesday, October 16th. At this point, all students in both grades have had at least two double periods (our class had a bonus period as well) to work on research in class using books and online sources. Some students have completed enough research to answer their entire research question and have consulted at least 3 sources, so they do not have homework. Most students are about 2/3 there and perhaps just need to find one more source, or address the last piece of their question. The assignment has been copied on Google Classroom since last week, along with some helpful sites, and I have been advising students (again, since last week) not to wait until the last minute to work on this from home. I do not wish for anyone to have homework over the long weekend, or a lot to finish next Tuesday night. Please ask your scientist about this project, and if they have any research to complete at home in the next 9 days! Time management is a big part of this project!
In art, we have continued with our study of the Group of Seven. We spoke about who they are, their mission, inspiration, influences and style. We all completed a sketch of a natural landscape that we intend to paint in their style, and now we have started to work on our canvases. Do ask what scene your artist has decided to paint, and how they might choose to put a Group of Seven twist on it (for example, we talked about how the colours do not need to match nature exactly).
Last week, I mentioned that we had completed our first learning skills self-evaluation and that these would be coming home for signature. I am still missing 10, so if you have not been presented with this, please ask your student. A) I want to make sure you've seen it (I wrote comments), and B) I'm trying to save paper by using the other side at the end of October. Thanks!!
Finally, a reminder that shortly after this long weekend, it is picture day (next Wednesday the 16th)!
Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving to your families!