Dear parents,
Thanks to all who came out to Curriculum Night last Thursday. It was really nice to meet all of you. Thank you for your kindness.
If you couldn't make it, I have asked your student to bring home a couple things you missed.
1) Our class schedule, which should hopefully be in its final state
2) On the reverse of the schedule, a learning skills rubric (see below)
3) FAQs for Grade 6
The learning skills rubric outlines some specific skills which the grade 5/6 team has agreed to work on and report on in the Progress Report. Although there are many ways to demonstrate each learning skill, it can be overwhelming to focus on everything at once. We hope this will help us focus our teaching, help the kids focus on working on these specific skills so that they can be successful, and it will help us be consistent and fair in our assessments. In sharing this, and future learning skills rubrics with you, we hope that we can avoid any surprises on report cards. You know what I am looking for, and so do the kids. We went over this exact rubric at length on the 3rd day of school, and it is posted in our classroom. We will also do self-evaluations now and then so that they can check-in on how they are doing. They know, for instance, that they must speak in French with each other (not just with me), if they would like to get an E for Responsibility. I am trying to motivate them with a small incentive system. They also know that they need to have their agenda to write their homework each day - I provide reminders and time for them to do this. I would like my students to get the marks that they want, and I don't want them to wonder how they can do it. This is how they can do it! I think it is quite clear and self-explanatory on the rubric, but, as always, if you have questions, I welcome them. *The first self-evaluation was completed today (Tuesday) and after I review what students said, I will send the rubrics home so you can see how they are doing so far. Please initial and return. We will complete the second identical rubric at the end of October and hopefully we can show you some improvement!
At Curriculum Night, I also shared that I would like for our students - the oldest kids in the school - to be excellent role models for the younger children. I have not forgotten how it feels to be a primary teacher, and I know how much those kids look up to the junior students. This includes how we speak to each other, to adults and about ourselves. It includes how we dress for the weather, how we play outside, and how we deal with challenges. I know we can inspire others with our excellent behaviour!
Finally, I went over some forms of communication we are sharing this year. These include the student agenda, Google Classrooms, class Blog (this!) and the blue communication folder. I'm usually not bad at answering emails promptly, so feel free, but don't forget the '2', or you are talking to someone else!
In class, we have been busy celebrating and preparing for some important days. Last week, we remembered Terry Fox and classes went for a run or walk with their gym teacher. In our class, we read a book about Terry's life and took some notes that we then used to complete some 'doodle art'. Each shoe contains some words, phrases, dates and/or numbers that were significant in Terry's life. We also practiced some design elements, such as different types of lines, shadowing and use of shapes. They are inspirational!
Monday was Orange Shirt Day, in honour of all those who lost their belongings and were separated from their families in attending residential schools - too many of whom did not return home. Our school held an assembly, and all classes provided some meaningful decorations for the walls. Our class contributed a clothesline of "Attachment Hearts". Sewing is not a common art activity these days, but it seemed fitting for this occasion. We hand-sewed our hearts, filling them with sage. To my absolute surprise, several of our students are accomplished sewers! All our hearts are beautiful and meaningful. Please read the full description, below.
I will be back soon with a subject update!
Have a great week, Tamara