First of all, we would like to warmly welcome our new student Julien to salle 202. Bienvenue! Our students now have the opportunity to be great role models as we review and introduce Julien to our routines.
I would also like to acknowledge that for at least the next 2 weeks, our ECE will be Mme Janice. She was one of several supply teachers to be with us over the last while, but it is nice to now have someone consistent until Mme Dominique's return.
Tomorrow (Friday) is the due date for the forms and payment for the Boulderz trip. I am sending home little notes to remind you of what I have yet to receive. If you need copies or assistance with the waiver, please let me know. Again, you can access the waiver here.
Last Friday, we had a special show & tell visit from Elodie's mom, Kalli. Kalli taught us about being a radio host, and interviewing guests. Each student had a chance to work with Kalli to interview a classmate, and be interviewed about a picture we had prepared in advance.
Actually, all students will be bringing home a plant soon. Either their haricot, if it is well on it's way, or one of our tournesol plants, if their bean has yet to sprout. This is part of our special gift to our mamans this weekend! Bonne fête des mères!
Finally, after safety week, our staff has been reviewing some procedures. One of the items we would like to improve is making sure that students with epi-pens or puffers are carrying them at all times. In the medical forms you sent me, I read that several students use inhalers for bad colds or coughs. If you think that your child may need to use an inhaler during the school day, please get in touch with me so that we can make sure we know where it is at all times. Thanks!
Our class has also reviewed Dewson's school-wide rule of home toys stay home. There have been many home toys at school recently, despite our reminders. Please take a moment to remind your student of this rule, and perhaps check their backpacks in the morning for the next week. This way, we can avoid some sharing/jealousy issues, and avoid misplacing special items at school. Thanks!
Mots de la Semaine