Yesterday, at the library, we watched a show called "The Monkey and the Crocodile". It was a pretty funny story about not believing everything you hear. Thanks to our parents who came with us!
I'd like to remind everyone that next week is bike to school week! We have discussed the most environmentally friendly ways of getting to school, and next week we will be charting how we all get to school every day.
I mentioned in a previous post that I was beginning to meet with each student to see how we are doing with our alphabet letters. I said I would let you know if I think further practice is needed in order to have a good start in grade 1, when true reading will begin in short order. Please check your student's pochette today. I have sent a small slip of pink paper with everyone to update you on how we did in our interview. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or would like some tips or resources for reviewing the French alphabet at home.
In case you are not able to come, we will make sure that our students have time to enjoy the festival before the end of the school day. Pick-up will be in our kindergarten yard at 3:15, as always.
This week, you are receiving a hot pink ticket order form. One of the ways you can purchase tickets or wristbands is by returning this form and payment to me by June 4th. There are other ways listed on the sheet as well. I do recommend wristbands for the kids if you are going to stay in the evening. It's a pretty good value for what you get, and they are not easily lost. If you have any questions about this exciting event, you can definitely ask me, a member of parent council or the office staff. We always need tons of help on the day, so please consider signing up for a job. It has been suggested that our class could collect and donate items for a sports-themed raffle basket. If you can donate a skipping rope, balls, bat or other new sports-related item, that would be great (don't spend a lot of money). You can send any items directly to the office or to me for passing on. Thanks!
I will also send home the final Scholastic packages early next week. Orders will be due on June 6th. It would be a dream for all families to continue their amazing work of working on reading (or even just reviewing the French alphabet) over the summer. Here are some ideas for summer reading material from the French catalogue:
- #11F0, "Mes petits livres, Niveau A" - 24 simple books for $24! These are the same level as our borrow-a-books, and you get enough to last a while.
- #13F0, "Comptons les animaux de la ferme" - You get 50 little animal figurines that you can practice naming, counting, sorting and use to build patterns.
- #14F0, "Ensemble 3x10 plus de plaisir!" - They look funny, and you can practice your French counting!
Finally, at the beginning of the year, we barely knew each other and I felt a bit weird inviting you to my doo-wop show... although that didn't stop me, and Eliza made my night by showing up! Now, I am happy to share that our group, The Redeemers is performing again at the Gladstone Hotel's Melody Bar on Friday June 8th at 8pm. Yes, it's a little late for kids, but if you are into the doo-wop style of the 50s and 60s, you are guaranteed to have a good time. You can check out our group here!
Mots de la Semaine
la voiture
la course
une paille