Today, we also did a great activity led by Mme Diana. She read us a story about an octopus, and later we got to contribute to a group painting of an aquarium.
Mots de la Semaine
un poisson
la pieuvre (octopus)
une baleine (whale)
nager (to swim)
Yesterday, we worked together to write another letter to August. We thanked him for his letter, and told him about our crystal growing experiment (still in progress). A few other students chose to write August a personal letter during their centre time. I mailed everything off after school!
Outside, the kids have been really getting into digging. They have dug some massive holes in the garden area near the front of the school, and also in the sandpit. I'm looking forward to doing some planting with them soon! Yesterday, I observed a few kids building little tree houses. Very cute!