Thank you for bringing your students to the 'Clowns' musical. I hope you enjoyed it - I know the kids were so excited to see it again!
Last week, it happened to be my brother's birthday, and since the kids love hearing about my family, they agreed to help me record a singing of "Joyeux Anniversaire" to send to him (which he adored!). In it, we counted all the way up to his age, in the 30s. As a group, we can count pretty high!
This week, I had a little interview with each mathematician to see how our French counting is coming along. We used cubes to count at least to 10, and we worked through some of the harder numbers in the teens. The most common error is with 16 and 17. We will spend some time on this at school. If you're counting in French at home, please don't let this mistake go by uncorrected. Once our brains memorize things, they can be hard to unlearn! I also had students draw a number card (1-10) at random to see if they knew the number name in French. I want to make sure we are prepared for grade 1. We are doing well!
Each day, Mme Diana works with interested students at the animal centre to create more pieces for this magical display. Isn't it cute? So far, there are des vaches, des moutons, des canards, des poules et coqs et des chevaux. Probably more that I'm forgetting, and I think there are even some tractors in progress!
These students wanted to do a science experiment this morning. They mixed food colouring and water, and eventually moon sand. The mixture turned out basically like play dough.
Mots de la Semaine
Here are some insects that we have read or talked about.
une araignée (spider)
une abeille (bee)
la fourmi (ant)
un papillon (butterfly)
la coccinelle (ladybug)