This is the time of year when even part-time musicians, like me, are super busy! I regret not having told you about the Children's Messiah that I was involved in earlier - it was a great event for kids.
Here are two upcoming concerts that I'm involved in, which are in the evening and geared more toward adults (but kids are welcome).
If you like classical music, you are sure to enjoy the concert I'm singing in this Wednesday evening. It's a great group, and great rep. See poster for info.
I am also doing the solo bits in the Bach Vespers service at Church of the Redeemer (Bloor & Avenue), this Sunday evening at 7:00. The service is only an hour long, and no admission fee - just an offering.
In our class, we have been learning the refrain to a popular French Christmas song called "Petit Papa Noël". The kids know it really well now. You can hear the whole song, with verses, on YouTube, as well as plenty of other French holiday songs.
Dewson's annual holiday sing-along will be December 22nd at 9:30am (I think). There's usually room for a few parents in the back!