We've been pretty busy this week! First thing Monday morning, we went to a bus safety presentation, and we practiced an emergency exit from the back of the bus. We learned some safety tips that we will remember if we ever go on a bus for a field trip. Did you know that a big school bus probably weighs more than a T-Rex?
In the spirit of giving and caring for others, which is often celebrated at this time of year, we have been focusing on one kind task each day. In the morning, we pull out a task from our calendrier de gentillesse (kindness calendar). Sometimes it's an action that we can do all day, or sometimes it's a task that we do once as a group. This week we have already written and mailed (merci Max) a letter to Santa, asked teachers how we can help, picked up garbage in our school yard, and made sure to say lots of merci and s'il te plaît. Please ask your student what our kind task was each day this month!
I was also SO impressed when our class, in an effort to find gym shoes for everyone, came up with the idea to offer Mme Mary Ann a laundry basket for Christmas so that she can keep some extra shoes in the gym. If you have any kids' running shoes at home that you know you will never use again, but are still in working condition, please feel free to send them in, and we will add this to our gift! The credit for this amazing idea goes to Edith, who started the discussion, and then to many others who chimed in with more suggestions.
On Tuesday, we introduced our class iPads into our quiet time routine. Our class has 5 iPads that we can share, and of course this is a very special and popular activity. I have shown the kids how to use the app, Jeux Pour Lire, which has some simple games to support literacy. For example, game 1 asks you to listen for a specific syllable (e.g., "ta") within words. You can click on objects to hear their name, and it if contains the syllable, you drag it into the square. It's another good opportunity to practice matching letters to their sound.
On Wednesday, we began work on a decoration for Hanukkah. We watched a short video explaining why many families light a menorah, and we are all working on creating our own out of a paper plate, some cardboard, tissue paper and paint. We will use these to decorate our class, and then bring them home.
Today, students received information on a field trip coming up soon after the Christmas break. We're going to get all the paperwork done before the break so that we don't have to rush after. On January 16th, we're spending the day at High Park. We will have a half day workshop at the Nature Centre, and we will spend the other half of the day exploring. Snow would be fun, but we will cross our fingers that it is not bitterly cold. This trip costs $10. Please keep the information on the green sheet and return the second page and payment by Friday Dec. 15th.
I will be looking for 4 parents that can come all day, and for others that can join us just for the afternoon. You can indicate your interest and availability on the form and I'll be in touch. Thanks!
Mots de la Semaine
All week, we've been working on asking more questions in French. We've seen the words "est-ce que" in the morning message, and we took a picture for our memory bank so that we can maybe guess at these words if we see them again. Our words of the week are the sentences we've been really practicing, all beginning with "Est-ce que".
Est-ce que…?
- je peux avoir du papier?
- tu peux m'aider?
- tu peux ouvrir ça pour moi?