Hi parents,
Today you are receiving two notes from the kindergarten team. One explains an upcoming walking excursion to Dufferin Grove Park. This is coming up quickly on October 26th. Please let me know ASAP if you are able to join us. We would love to have as many parents as possible for this first outing so that we can do an excellent job reinforcing safety and behaviour expectations in preparation for longer journeys.
The second note is another favour... a request for homemade moon sand for our outdoor space. I shared with our team how successful room 202's playdough calendar has been, and everyone loved the idea. We decided to use the same format to ask all kindergarten parents if they could contribute a batch of moon sand at some point, to our shared outdoor space. I've already mentioned how much our class has been enjoying the tester batch I made last week, and it's a super simple recipe. I do, however, recognize that you have already agreed to make playdough for our class, so I feel a bit uncomfortable asking you to do yet another job for us. If you are able, that's wonderful - thank you - but it is optional, so please don't feel pressured.
Last Friday's first show and tell was very successful! Our sharers all remembered, and came prepared with something to say about the item they were sharing. Great job! Looking forward to the next 5 this Friday!
Final reminder: tomorrow is picture day!!
Thanks, Tamara