Thursday, 26 October 2017

Dufferin Park Day

Hi Salle 202 families,

Our first trip of the year was a great success! We had a lot of fun at the park today. It got a bit chilly in the afternoon, but overall we were lucky with the weather and the kids all had a fantastic time. Thank you SO much to the many many parents who came with us, brought wagons, roasted marshmallows and passed out stickers, making this day very easy for all the teachers.

We spent the morning playing in the sandpit and structure area. Some of us played our favourite ball game, Soldat (I lost a lot), some of us played a card game (I lost both times), and some of us coloured. We also saw a huge hawk (I hear this is a normal thing in Dufferin Grove) in the morning and again in the afternoon. Can you see it sitting on the log in the picture below?

In the afternoon, we decorated our little pumpkins and we got to bring them home today. 

Then, we went to the campfire and enjoyed the warmth while our parents served up roasted marshmallow and graham cracker sandwiches. Miam miam!!!

Our students walked in beautiful two-by-two lines going to and returning from the park, and nobody ventured onto our neighbours' grass. Miraculously, we had no accidents and I only gave out one band-aid all day! It was a great practice for our next outing!! Thanks to everyone for preparing your children so well.

Please scroll down for info about Halloween day at Dewson, and happy weekend!