I hope you've had a great first week back to school. I've really enjoyed getting to know our new students, and I must publicly thank Mme Dominique and Sally, from the Dewson Y, who support us and work along side me every day. We are lucky to have them!
Thank you for all the mail and clothes! Mme Dominique and I love your letters and appreciate the time you put into all this beginning of the year paperwork. Please keep it coming! In particular, I want you to know that in signing the TDSB Media Release form (top portion), I assume that you are agreeing to having your child's photo occasionally posted on this blog. If this is not the case, please email me.
Since writing my first day newsletter, I've learned that gym periods on days 2 and 4 will take place indoors, and gym periods on days 7 and 9 will take place outside. I will endeavour to specify this on future calendars, but please add this to your notes so that you can ensure that children are dressed for success on outdoor gym days especially. For now, indoor/outdoor gym probably doesn't affect clothing too much, but as the weather changes, it will become very important. Remember, we do spend time outside daily, even if it's a bit wet or cold.
Also, as we discovered Thursday, if it is raining at pick-up time, we will stay inside in the stairwell where we normally enter (SE corner). Please meet us there. Thanks!
In the first day newsletter, I explained that as we grow our French vocabulary, I will let you know about 5 words (or a short phrase) each week that we have learned and are using at school, so that you can practice the words at home if you choose. I don't expect students to do any reading or writing, just perhaps tell you the words and what they mean, and use them in lieu of the English words from time to time, for review. Who doesn't like a little Franglais, right?
We are learning a LOT of vocab quite quickly at the beginning, but here are the main words that we practiced using this week:
Bonjour (Hello)
Au Revoir (Goodbye)
Oui (Yes)
Non (No)
Merci (Thank you)
Lastly, please plan to join us on Thursday Sept. 14th for the annual Welcome BBQ in the school yard, followed by curriculum night in classes. I look forward to meeting, or re-meeting many of you, and having the chance to explain a bit more about our classroom routines in person. I'll provide more specific information about how this evening will run early next week.
Talk to you soon,