Thursday, 14 September 2017

Mots de la Semaine

Hello salle 202,

Thanks for coming to the barbecue and open-house last night. It was great to see the kids proudly showing you around our classroom!

Thank you to all who signed up on our playdough calendar - it looks like we will have regular fresh playdough deliveries until almost the end of February, which is amazing! If you didn't have a chance to sign up, but feel you would be able to whip up a batch of playdough later in the year, do feel free to email me and I can let you know when there are openings.
I will also try my very best to remember to send home a ziplock bag (and the recipe I used, in case you don't have a favourite) shortly before your donation date so that you don't have to send in your own containers. I apologize if I ever miss one! Again, my intention is not that anyone should spend money buying pre-made playdough. If your turn comes around, and you don't have time to make it, just don't do it! We'll live!

If you were not at curriculum night, don't worry - I didn't say much that hasn't already been mentioned either on this blog or in the first day letter. I did provide a brochure that outlines the 4 frames in the new kindergarten curriculum. If you would like a copy of this, let me know and I'll send one home.

OK, for our words this week, I thought we could review some body parts. We've been singing "Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds" quite a bit. Mme Dominique has us doing it a really fun way where we begin singing all the words, and then repeat the song over and over, each time omitting one more body part. Ask your singer to show you what I mean!

Here are 5 of the body parts (plus the rest so that you can finish the song!)

Image result for basic body parts frenchtête
(et) pieds
(oreilles, bouche et nez)