There is a lot to look forward to this spring! Let me remind you of a few things...
1. Dance-a-thon: This FRIDAY! Please return your pledge envelopes by THURSDAY!
2. Wear PINK to support anti-bullying, April 10th.
3. Scientist in the School: Thursday, April 11th, PM. Please return your $5 by next Tuesday!
4. Dewson Art Show: Thursday, April 11th, 3:30-7:00pm. Make sure to stop by the gym. Area 24 is displaying the structures we made with Donnely!
5. Dewson Festival: June 13th - parent council is always looking for volunteers to help run stations, so keep this day in mind!
I'm sure there will be other fun additions toward the end of the year.
I have given out the April Scholastic packages. Please return any orders by Thursday April 11th.
On this note, I have been thinking a lot about how much great progress our readers have made this year. They have come from not knowing a single French sound to reading short stories independently. It's so exciting to see them reading! In no time at all it will be summer, and I would hate for these super-readers to forget what they have learned. As always, I encourage everyone to maintain the same reading routine you have developed over the summer months. If you feel you do not have enough French reading material at the right level, I can suggest some book sets that are available through the Scholastic teacher catalogue. If this interests you, please email me or speak to me in person before the end of April (when the catalogue expires)!
The words for this week are:
je vois, je bois, je dois, je veux, je peux,
je lis, j’écris, je dors, je vais, je fais
Here are 10 verbs which do not end with –er in the infinitive form. They follow different rules which we will not focus on in grade 1. Nevertheless, these are verbs which we use frequently and students should be able to recognize them. Look for some common patterns in the words, and find the sounds we have studied!
oi, eu, i, ai, éTonight, ask your child what "Poisson d'avril" means. We read a story about this today, maybe your student can re-tell it to you!