Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Now that we're back to warm-ish weather, you might want your children to have their running shoes at home. While the kids are always allowed to keep shoes at school in our bin (a good idea so that we're always prepared for gym), they can also bring them home and just wear them to school everyday. Of course, on rainy days when they come in boots, they will need to think about bringing shoes for gym. If you'd like your child to bring home his/her school shoes, let him/her or me know and we'll make it happen.

Area 24 was well-dressed to celebrate le jour de rose today. As a class, we talked about girl colours versus boy colours (is that really a thing?) and decided that it's ok for anyone to like any colour. In fact, some of our boys really love pink, and some of our girls really love blue. We also talked about what to do if we see someone being bullied in the school yard. If you're standing nearby, there is something you can do to help. Some examples are: get an adult, report the incident to the office, be a friend to the person in trouble, encourage the trouble-maker to think about how the other person feels, or even just yell for help. We talk about this type of thing often at school, but they are good conversations to have at home as well. Today, the children had a lot of "but what if...?"questions about what to do in different situations when they're not at school.