Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Halloween pictures!

Hi friends,

Just sharing some photos from last Friday - Halloween at school!

Outdoor ed. was canceled last minute (rescheduled for today, Wednesday), but we used our time to do some fun Halloween math and word searches.

In the afternoon, we did some guided drawing to create some amazing Frankenstein monsters. I love how they turned out! We also played a Halloween version of charades and listened to the end of our Halloween chapter book, "P'tit Jean et la Sorcière".

It was fun to see everyone dressed up - I tried to get everyone in a picture!

You should have received your child's information sheet to look over. If you find any incorrect or outdated information, please cross it out and put the correct information. This is important for us to have in case of an emergency at school. Even if all information is up to date, please initial somewhere and send it back so that we know our records are correct. Many thanks!

Words of the Week

There are actually 3 ways to make the ‘o’ sound in French. Aside from plain ‘o’, we also have the combination of a+u and e+a+u. This week we have some words containing ‘au’ (I've asked the kids to teach you!). Some parents mentioned to me that they make posters that go around the house (e.g., e+a+u = o). I did this in my language classes in university and definitely found that staring at them as I fell asleep helped. If this sounds fun to you, great. If you have other good practice tips, please share them with me!

au, manteau, chaud, autobus, aujourd’hui

Bonus words: auto, je saute