Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Mots de la Semaine

I think I forgot to include the words of the week in last week's long update... 

Last week we continued to work on e, but we additionally learned that U and E are best friends. Whoever comes first gets their sound without interference from the next guy, so here, we only hear the regular ‘e’ sound that we learned about previously.

bleu, feu, fleur, deux, yeux

Bonus words: cœur, sœur

This week we are reviewing the sound ‘i’. In French, this letter makes our English ‘e’ sound. Think “see”. Again, for each new sound that we learn, I love the idea of using 3-D letters or flashcards to experiment with the vowel combined with different consonants. We won’t be looking at each consonant in depth the way we are vowels, so this is a great way to make sure your child has a good grasp of the whole alphabet. Don’t worry if your combos aren’t real words, we’re just working on combining sounds in this game!

il, ici, si, avion, ami

Bonus words: lit, rit

Do scroll down if you haven't yet read my previous post. It will get you all caught up and give you some conversation starters!