Monday, 9 March 2020

Counting down...

Dear families,
Our class is so important to me, and so I don't want to just disappear without a chance to say goodbye. I want you to know that there is a possibility I will not be able to return after March break. Depending on an ultrasound next week, my doctor might want me to have the baby a couple weeks early - nothing to worry about - but it would obviously mean I would not be able to return to work.

I can't tell you how much I will miss our class. I've really loved my job this year and am very sad to leave things undone, though I have complete faith that the next teacher will be able to jump in and run with our routines and the plans I'm leaving.

Thank you for all your support this year, and for not being at all upset that I didn't make it to the end. And, thank you so much to my students who have really made me love grade 5 and 6! I hope I'm able to teach these grades again when I return!

Leaving is SO difficult, but since I don't have much choice, I am choosing to be excited about the moment when I visit our class with a little baby to show them. Obviously, I won't have classroom news to post about anymore, but don't unsubscribe from this blog just yet... I want the kids to be the first to know when baby arrives!

If I don't see you, I wish you a successful end of the year and transition to grade 6 or 7. If you are leaving Dewson, please come back to visit, and I'm counting on someone sending me grad and festival info so that I can come by on those special occasions!

Best wishes,

Where have we gotten to?
Over the last 2 weeks, both our science classes enjoyed a fantastic Scientist-in-School workshop, looking forward to the units that we will begin after March break. For the grade 5s, this was a look at Matter, and for the grade 6s, this was experimenting with Electricity. Thank you to the parents who helped out!

More specifically, in grade 5, we learned about solids, liquids and gases (and gels). We made different combinations of solids and liquids and noted any chemicals reactions. We became detectives trying to find the mystery ingredients by creating all the possible combinations of powders and liquids until we found combinations that reacted the same way as our mystery powder. Our students loved all the hands-on work, followed instructions well and took the necessary safety precautions!

In grade 6, we learned about different kinds of circuits (e.g., parallel v. series). We made many circuits ourselves, making lights turn on and off by learning about materials that conduct electricity, using batteries, switches - we even closed circuits using our own bodies! We learned the proper way to draw a circuit, and the correct symbols to use. There was a lot of trial and error, which was not easy, but very cool!

Last week, you should have received our measurement test to sign - big improvements on the real test! Great work, especially considering how many school days we had to miss during this unit. Please sign and return. This week you will receive our February learning skills rubric. Please sign and return this as well.

This week we are busy with the presentations of our Independent Projects. Thanks to everyone for being prepared, sometimes even a day early, to present. We are also starting to work on the good copies of our fictional narratives. This project will have to continue after the break and likely be completed with my replacement.
We are meeting weekly with our Clubs de Lecture to discuss the chapter questions. I've asked students not to leave this work to the night before because it would surely be too much for one evening (this is why I give a whole week between meetings). Students know that they are welcome to read their novel during our daily silent reading time, and track these minutes in their Bilan. They are also encouraged to have this at school daily in case they have a few minutes to work on it, and to ensure they are prepared if their meeting happens a day early. This work will also continue after the break - I have written detailed notes for my replacement so that this routine can continue at least until the current books are completed!

In math, we are beginning our next number sense unit, which will focus on operations. We are beginning with some mental math, to be followed by multiplication and division strategies. This unit will also continue after the break and into April and be completed mostly with the next teacher.

In English, last week students worked through a little assignment on finding their media balance. We talked about how to plan a balanced day where media and technology is welcome, but balanced by other activities as well. We talked about our perfect day v. a balanced day.
Students have just submitted a news article do to with their last science topic. We will complete those science units this week and move on in English and Science after the break.

In art, we have all but completed our graphite and pastel drawings of musical instruments. I will try to get them up and post a picture before the break. The little pops of colour are great and I'm envious of the drawing skill demonstrated by so many!

Today, we attended a great musical and dance performance by Ballet Creole. Two of our own students were able to recall the names of the traditional Cuban instruments, and were called up to play!

Take care!