Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Interview Schedule

Dear parents,
An orange note came home today with information about what our upcoming interviews will look like. While I will not be able to share marks, I do think it would be beneficial to meet to talk about general progress in learning skills and subject areas.
I invite anyone interested to please email me as soon as possible to request an interview time for Friday, Feb. 14, between 9:00-3:30 pm. Please indicate whether morning or afternoon is preferable (you can suggest a specific time frame and I'll do my very best).
If you can't come on that day, but would like to set up a phone interview, please indicate that, and what time of day is best for me to call (still has to be between 9-3:30). Please note that I will likely not make calls on the 14th as I will be prioritizing the in-person meetings.


As soon as I have a rough idea of how many families I will be meeting, I will make a schedule and email you back your interview time.

Thanks for your continued understanding and check back soon for a classroom update!
