Monday, 16 December 2019

White Elephant

Dear families,
One week 4 days left until the break! Can't believe it!

If you haven't already done so, please make sure that in the next day or two you sign and return:
- learning skills rubric from November
- pink Data Management math test
- yellow Writing rubric

There is no weekly homework for students this week, however there are still some deadlines in French, Social Studies and for a couple kids in Science that they have known about since last week, at least. In addition, we will have a patterning quiz on Wednesday morning. We are reviewing for this today and tomorrow and only 2 students approached me (after 3 reminders) for questions to take home, so I am assuming the others feel confident after today's review. There will be NO homework over the break!

Students have been asking me what we can do to celebrate the holidays on Friday. I want to do something fun too, but as always, we will not include food in our celebration. Please do not send food or treats to share. Rather than Secret Santa, which I was asked about, I have proposed a 'White Elephant' gift exchange, which is a bit more fun and inclusive, in my opinion. We went over how this game works and many students are familiar and are excited to do it. Participating in this is completely optional, and of course students would need to be here Friday (afternoon, likely). If a student would like to participate in the gift exchange, all they need to do is bring a gift worth between $3-$5, wrapped up, but with no TO or FROM name on it. The gift should be something that anyone in our class would like (so, gender neutral and not a joke gift). Some examples that we mentioned are candy (not to be eaten at school), a new pencil case with a few supplies inside, game, crossword puzzle book, a set of sparkle pens, a ball, notebook and pen, slime, small science kit... the dollar store is your best friend!

Thanks so much to our volunteers on Friday - cards are on their way - and to Mme Jenkins for planning the Aquarium trip. We had a great day! Here are just a few pics!