Dear parents,
I just want to let you know that I sent home interview times on slim green slips of paper today. I sent the kids on a mission to give these to you and let you know to email me if your time does not work. I did assign times to all families, even if I didn't receive your form back, and even if we recently met. If you don't feel we need to meet again so soon, or if the assigned time is not convenient, just send me a quick email and we'll find a time next week. Unfortunately I don't have a minute left this Thursday evening and I'm not available Wednesday - report card day.
When you come for your interview, please try your best to be on time, and I will try my best to stay on time. Fifteen minutes goes by quick, so if there is something specific you want to talk about, please bring it up at the beginning. If we need more time, I'm happy to schedule a follow-up in the next few weeks.
While you're here, please check out the lost & found, near room 101 now (see signs), and the book fair in the library. I'll also see if I can figure out how to mount our Group of 7 paintings by then so you have something to admire in the hall while you wait....
Today I handed back the mode, median and mean (moyenne) quizzes we did on Friday. The big stumbling block for most was median. Many students forgot that the list of numbers has to be in order before you find the middle number. If students forgot that detail, I've given them two more little lists of numbers to practice on tonight. I won't mark it or chase them for it, it's for their benefit only - they are welcome to show me their work to confirm their understanding. Tomorrow I will assign our regular weekly homework - grammar this week.
See you soon,