Dear Grade 6 parents,
Most students have returned their school package which includes their permission to go off-site for lunch on Fridays. We will be starting THIS Friday.
The procedure is simple, and different than in previous years. There is no office sign-out or sign-in. I will dismiss students to lunch recess as always. Students that have weekly permission (option 2) are free to leave once dismissed. Students whose parents selected option 3 must present me with a note EACH time they wish to go off-property. Students who do not have weekly permission or a note must bring their lunch and drop it off on our shelf and must stay on Dewson property throughout recess and lunch.
When students return from lunch, they will simply line up with their class and have attendance taken in their first class. No need to check-in at the office. We expect students to be back on property by 12:40 so that they are not late for afternoon classes. I encourage students to wear a watch, or stay with a friend who has one, so that they can keep track of time.
Please remind students, as I will, that going out for lunch is a privilege. They must conduct themselves respectfully when out in the community and always return to school on time.
Happy BBQ day!