Monday, 11 February 2019


Dear parents,
Tomorrow you will receive your child's report card. In kindergarten there are no marks, but I have written comments that I hope will highlight areas of strength and areas to keep working on. For all students, we will again set a goal after report cards. Please celebrate all the great things your child is doing, and help them select just one thing to work hard on going forward. If nothing pops out at you, use my suggestion from one of the frames.
If we are having an interview, you should have received a small green confirmation slip last Friday with your time. If I missed you, or if you can no longer make the assigned time, please email me. Your student is welcome and encouraged to come with you to your interview so that they can share some work and be a part of planning our next steps.

Today, you are receiving our paper work for the ROM trip. This will take place February 26. This trip costs $17. As always, please speak to me if this cost presents a hardship for your family. You may have heard, through school council, that Dewson is moving to a Cash Online system. This will allow you to pay for trips, materials, snack and other items online. It should be much easier for you and for me! The first time you use it, you do need to register. Instructions are on the reverse of the trip note. Please let me know if you are having trouble getting set up. You are, of course, welcome to send cash or a cheque if you prefer. The form and payment are due by the 22nd (earlier is better!).

Last week, we finished a math challenge where we learned the terms "moins" (less) and "plus" (more), not as the operation of adding and subtracting, but for comparing sets. Each student was asked to take 2 handfuls of buttons, but one handful needed to have "plus". Each student went about it differently, some deciding to take only one or two buttons in one hand, in order to easily pick up more with the other. Some students took a large handful, and then an extra large double scoop requiring us to count up to one hundred together! It was interesting to see each mathematician's approach.

Last week we also celebrated Chinese New Year by reading a bit about it, and making cute little cochon masks with Mme Diamond, since it is the year of the pig!

This week, we have a few crafts planned, with a bit of a heart theme, and we completed our February portraits. Please note that, unfortunately, the library trip scheduled for this Thursday has been cancelled due to other work going on at the library. We'll go again in March.

Here are some words we will learn/review this week:
Je t’aime
Un coeur

Une carte